Total War-The Homefront

Civillian Life

With new inventions such as air raids Civillian life became dramatically changed no longer was it easy to differ soldier from civillian in the battlefield instead bombs were dropped machine guns were fired at everything that moved. Along with this brought many shortages of resources such as food, metal etc because it was all being used on the front lines for making new weapons or feeding the soldiers. WWI devastated civillian life just as much as it did those soldiers ho fought in it.

Women’s Role

During World War One the major percentage of women serving worked as nurses and doctors in hospitals and tents in order to tend to injured soldiers. Unfortunately they did not help a lot as first aid was not as developed back then as it is now. Another role that they filled was the factory jobs that the men left behind when they went off to war. Factories hired women to keep the economy moving.


In World War I propaganda reached an entirely new level. Instead of propaganda supporting the nation and building the morale it aimed to defamate the enemies and make them look week.

wwi5 debs_poster

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