End Of The War

\The Allies finally began reaching the German border on August 17th as this happened the central powers collapsed leading Austria and Turkey to sign the armstice in a matter of days.The fighting eventually stopped when on November 11 the Germans finally signed the treaty. The allies in the Paris Peace Conference pushed for war guilt and financial penalties on Germany, along with this the colonies of the defeated powers would be surrendered to the allies and then divided up.To this meeting Russia and Germany were not invited. The largest effect was also the breaking up of countries as several new countries emerged in the midst of post war Europe.

These peace treaties crippled everything about these countries economies. Germany was forced to surrender Czechoslovakia and Poland along with this sanctions were called upon for the German army.”The German army was to be limited to 100,000 men, and conscription proscribed. The treaty restricted the Navy to vessels under 100,000 tons, with a ban on the acquisition or maintenance of a submarine fleet. Moreover, Germany was forbidden to maintain an air force. Germany was required to conduct war crimes proceedings against the Kaiser and other leaders for waging aggressive war; the Leipzig Trial, without the Kaiser or other significant national leaders in the dock, resulted mainly in acquittals and was widely perceived as a sham, even in Germany. ” (http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007428)

Lastly and probably the most humiliating is that Germany was forced to accept responsibility for the entire war, because of this Germany was forced to repay debts for all the damage these were all results of the Peace Treaties.


The middle east was also affected in this conflict, the war to end all wars did not work. After years of foreign control there was no ottomans to control the middle east. Because of this much of the middle east was divided brewing ne conflicts

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